* 40+ A new additive came into account in this category,
Armas by winning the race place himself third overall. Schofield
kept his first place on GC by pacing second at this stage;
followed by Trujillo two points behind.
* 50+ Old field moved fast. P Carlos won the stage to
tie up on first place with P Aldridge on GC. Three riders share
third place; Wood, Fundora and Zegers.
* 1,2,3 A junior in a marvelous move won the race in a solo.
Silverberg not is third overall. Marin kept his second place on
GC and Companioni continues in first place.
* 4&5 For the second time Lopez wins in a solo to consolidate
his first place overall. Sanchez is now secong on GC followed by
Szabo in third.