Apr 13 2015

      Rosewood Series is part of the USA Cycling National Ranking System.
Series I Race V

Cooper City, FL, April 12th, 2015

* 35+ While the top contenders for the series looked at each other, J Armas took off and lapped half of the field to win the race. JA Rodriguez won the field sprint to win the series; J Trujillo with his fourth place of the day secured his second overall. JF Rodriguez got third on the GC. The sprinter’s white jersey winner of the series was JA Rodriguez.
* 45+ & 55+ S Redman from the break of four riders won the day and the series, same situation for C Ortiz, got second on the day’s results and second overall. Third place of the day was for R Ramirez. J Armas took the final points white jersey; he owns this specialty with 14 series on his back so far. 55+ had as a winner of the series F Craig, followed by S Kurth and the last step of the podium was for M Mosquera, which won the day.
* Pro 1,2,3 G Moore got on time to this race because mistakenly he went to Central Broward, destiny, he could not do 35+, fresh legs to win the pro 1,2,3. J Cabrera got second, followed by V Herrera in third; this placing gave him second overall for the series. E Lopez that touched wheels and went down did not finish the race but had enough points to step to the podium as the winner of the series. The sprinter’s white jersey winner for the series was JA Rodriguez.
* Cat 4&5 FA Costa consolidated his white jersey as the best sprinter of the series, but not happy with that won the race as well. T Shriver took second place, but he crossed the finish line twice, and for a moment the system placed him as in last position, after the correction of the results L Vassell closed the last step of the podium, he took as well third overall, on the same classification, second place was E Lopez, and the winner of the series was Q King.
* Juniors The best for last, three categories from age 6 to 15, raced into different events. Age 6 to 9 we had T Glock (1) E Ahmet (2) L Judycki (3) and E Ahmet (4). Age group from 10-12, R Heron (1) T Mlujeak (2) and J Ahmet (3). On juniors 13-15 M Maldonado (1) and E Cavendish (2)
Fernando Angel

* Rosewood Rules. Click Here


* For race results click here