July 22 2014

      Rosewood Series is part of the USA Cycling National Ranking System.
Series II Race V

Lauderhill FL, July 20th, 2014

* 35+ Practically the leader had not problem at this final stage with an advantage of 11 points. The real fight was for the next two places at the podium for series II. A break of three riders after the second intermediate sprint conformed by C Sosa racing for South Miami, J Garcia from Ghost riders and A Teixeira representing Cycle Depot, secured the second place overall for Sosa. C Wright from Performance Team took fifth place on the stage, to move up to the third step of the podium.
* 45+ & 55+ This combined field got split at mid race. Leaders, 45+ and 55+ did not make it at the front group; but a good effort in a solo from C Ortiz (45+ Leader) cough the break in the length of one lap. Not only that, but on the final sprint got second place after the winner, G Potter from Stradalli Team. W Martinez racing for Big Wheel Sunrise got third, and secured his third place overall for series II. The 55+ leader M Mosquera had not worries because he had too many points ahead of the next two on the podium, R Abreu from All 4 cycling and F Craig racing for Performance Team. The day’s podium on 55+ was for, P Perry, R Ortiz and H Perilla.
* Pro 1,2,3 The smallest field of the day, but with a BIG difference, all of them were high caliber riders; therefore the fight for yellow and white was on. A break of six left behind the current leader chasing; he got isolated and could not close the gap. In the mean time during the two intermediate sprints, JF Rodriguez from Stradalli took the white jersey from JA Rodriguez racing for Rossetti; I think deep inside Jose A knew that he could not beat on the sprint Jose F, as it was showed previously on the 35+ race. In an amazing final sprint, Y Falcon ( Stadalli Team) for a couple of inches took victory from JA Rodriguez, Followed by D Cueli from United Health Care Team. The second place of the day, gave the final leader’s jersey to JA Rodriguez, the winner of the day moved to second place overall, and P Sansbury dropped to third place for the series II finale.
* 4&5 The show of the day, both jerseys, yellow and white were reachable by a few riders due to the proximity of the points before the race. Elvis Trucking Team came strong with their newly acquisitions; two amazing intermediate sprints between Cycle Depot and Elvis Trucking, we got impress with both of their skills. O Martinez from Elvis Team was able to overcome two points difference from C Avila (Cycle Depot), and add one more to take the final white jersey home. In the mean time Patches team was saving all their energy to help H Rendon to win the race and preserve the final yellow jersey for the series. Second place overall was for C Fuentes (Elvis Team) followed by C Avila. Second place of the day was for O Martinez, and closing the podium we had M Carrillo.
Fernando Angel

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* For race results click here