Aug 09 2012

We need to stop riders getting killed on our roads.

Miami, FL. Aug 9th, 2012.

It is time that we all get together as a unit to stop riders getting killed on our roads. Unfortunately next time the victim could be you or me. We have to put aside our differences; this is not a Rosewood series, or Z Motion, or Top View or Florida cycling, or FRCA or any other cycling organization in Florida getting something done. It has to be, we all as riders united to fight for our rights. I already tried with my local congressman David Rivera but my emails were ignored. There is this law under Florida statutes section 316.126(1)(b) called "move over law" that requires for motorist to move over in a number of cases, or slow down 20 mph bellow speed posted. If we accomplish an amendment to be extended to cyclist it will make safer riding to all cyclists on our Florida roads. Our state has a very extensive cycling community, we not only have thousands and thousands USAC license riders but...thousands and thousands more with not affiliation; that is why it is very important to spread this message, we urge everyone out there to contact Florida's governor Richard Lynn Scott and let him know that we are petitioning to change this legislation, we have many riders out there with brilliant ideas to help us succeed with this project. Please give us your suggestions to accomplish this goal.

Please use the following link to email the Florida's Governor:

Then on subject section copy and paste the following note:

We want to stop cyclist getting killed

Then on the message section copy and paste the following:

Please amend Florida statute 316.126(1)(b) to extend coverage to cyclist on the efforts to save lives.

 Fernando Angel

A Floridian ride



* 08/05/12



*For race results click here