* 35+ A difficult task ahead of P Sansbury that he fell short
for one point to gain the yellow jersey. JA Rodriguez managed to
get two points to consolidate the series; he also won
overwhelmingly the sprinter’s white jersey. Team velo speed
dominated the day, by taking the top two places, with the return
of Aira and Quintero, last place at the podium was for Moore.
* 45+ 55+ and Women A group of about 8 riders broke away from
the pack, mainly from riders looking to untie the 55+; but they
were very well calibrated by the leader of the 45+ V Herrera
that in about two laps closed the gap. L Perez still untouchable
on the final sprint, one more time he wins the day, followed by
Armas and Herrera. The sprinter’s white jersey was for Lopez as
well. The final sprint untied the 55+ in favor of Mosquera. R
Mok wins the women series, which unfortunately we will not host
any longer due to the lack of participants.
* Pro 1,2,3 We had a pleasant visit yesterday; USADA came to
do anti doping test at this field. Unannounced they came, 15
minutes into the race, to let us know that; first, second and
fourth places will be tested, seeking our cooperation to bring
the riders to them. Many asked me why they came. I did not
bother to ask them, it is irrelevant their reasoning behind the
scene, what it matters is the outcome, in a sports that has been
looked under the microscope lately. A break of two, Zayas and
Rolo were unreachable, in a solo chase we had F Gonzalez. The
bunch sprint was taken by E Lopez that won the two jerseys,
leaders’ and sprinters’. Another rider that looks untouchable,
at any giving field sprint.
* 4&5 Another expected race not only by riders but
spectators, due to a tie on first place. E Zugor was able to
secure the white jersey but not the yellow. C Fuentes with his
5th place of the day gained the pleasure of wearing the final
leader’s jersey. A break of 3 riders were able to keep the
opened gap, they had. A Geffner in a very explosive sprint won
the day, followed by R Moreno and J Bomnin.
* Kids At the categories we had, on the 6 to 9 the winner was
Thomas Glock. Nicolas Raffinengo did the honors by winning the
age group 10 to 12. Last but not least juniors 13 to 15 were
dominated by Simon Reyes. Congratulations to all participants,
and thank to City Bikes for donating glasses to all the winners.