Cooper City, FL, Jan 29th, 2017
*There are no words to describe what was experienced at
yesterday's race when we closed the winter series, the inclement
weather that for the capital of the sun was overwhelming with a
cloudy morning and 50 degrees Fahrenheit, after each event at
the time of the presentations on the podium the vast majority
were shivering from the cold. Not only those who were placed on
the first, second and third places by both the results of the
day and the finale results, were the winners, but also all those
who stopped at the starting line and began each race. The photos
and results speak for themselves of these brave 43, who
unconditionally showed their bravery and gave us an
unforgettable experience, to all of you thanks for your support,
which in addition to so many others who started this winter
series, making big the beginning of 2017 season. This time we
will not make the race-by-race usual comments, but a comment in
general as we just described and let the imagination go by
enjoying the pictures posted, when you are already seated in
front of the computer and with a good warm cup of coffee if
Pictures and results here.Fernando Angel
* Rosewood Rules. Click Here
* For race results click here |